Cornea Specialist

Get world-class cornea care with Delhi’s Proficient Specialist.

Dr. Ritin Goyal’s skilled competence in corneal treatment ensures excellent eye care and treatment for all types of corneal conditions, offering crustal-clear vision.

Ulcer lab

Dry eye

Cornea transplant


Dr. Ritin Goyal is now available at the locations below.


Rajouri Garden

Patel Nagar

Time Table:

Monday & Thursday: Goyal eye center, Safdarjung enclave

Timing - 10am to 2pm

Time Table:

Tuesday & Friday: Insight Eye Clinic (Goyal Eye), Rajouri Garden

Timing - 10am to 2pm

Time Table:

Wednesday & Saturday: Goyal Eye Institute, Patel Nagar

Timing - 10am to 2pm